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Flights, Fares, and Flying Free

Many of us know about or have flown on one or more of the "Big Four" U.S. airlines. These are American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines, and United Airlines.

However, what many don't know is that there are over 5,000 airlines in the world!

If you go a little deeper, you will find that most of the big airlines have been a part of one of three Air Alliances that have over 60% of the world's revenue air traffic.


These alliances are Star Alliance, Sky Team, and One World





Star Alliance is the largest and was founded by United Airlines in 1997


Sky Team is next in revenue and was founded by Delta Air Lines in 2000



 One World comes in next and was founded by American Airlines in 1999

With so many options, it is easy to feel overwhelmed just thinking about having to navigate through and understand all the ins-and-outs of booking the best flights!


The good news is that you came to the right place, and the Travel Hack King Team is here to help. Ironically, the fact that there are so many airlines and these major alliances is actually a good thing! It means that the airlines are constantly competing for our business and that we have more choices and options when we decide to fly.


The alliances are also helpful in that many of them work together and have special agreements where they share flights and have overlapping frequent flyer programs.

Once you learn how to earn your miles, find the right sales, and transfer your points

you will have learned the game and will be ready to live the dream!

As always, if you need help feel free to send us a message or, even better
join our insider Facebook group
The King's Klub and get great advice and support from our team as well as other members who are also learning and living the dream!

About Me

I am not ashamed to say that I don't like paying any more for something than I have to. In fact, you could say that much of my life has been dedicated to discovering deals!
The only thing that's changed is that now I want to share my passion for hacking life with the world to help others experience the same kinds of incredible opportunities. I guarantee it's gonna be fun, but keep up... now you're hacking with the king!

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